Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Brown roadshow rocks up in Southampton!

Gordon Brown 'jovial and chuckling' pictured in Southampton yesterday.
picture courtesy
The Daily Echo.
On Monday the Gordon Brown roadshow hit Southampton. Brown and entourage went to visit mother of four Sally Hatcher in part of what Nick Robinson has called the 'sofa offensive' at Swaythling Housing Association's new eco-friendly, 174 bed Glebe Terrace development. He is described in the Echo as 'jovial and chuckling' which is very much the demeanor captured by the Southampton Echo photographer above!
Apparently he was 'quick to remind her about child tax credits and flexible working' as he chatted freely about children, housing needs and getting back to work'.
Then it was was off to the offices of Southampton Voluntary Services in St Mary's Street where he was greeted by 'some of the 60 staff' (60 staff ?) and Labour activists where he delivered a speech that the Echo's Matt Smith described as 'playing to a largely Labour crowd.'
To read The Echo's coverage, click here and a bit of video footage here.
By the way one of Mr Brown's five new 'eco-towns' is to be on the HMS Daedalus site at Lee-on -Solent where he plans between 10,000 and 20,000 houses...
Mr Brown's official leadership site can be found HERE.
John Denham also mentions the visit on his website.


Blogger Cheriton Chav said...

The Labour Party holds it's party meetings at Southampton Voluntary Services and now Gordon comes to visit...

Isn't SVS funded by the city council and thus supposed to be impartial?

Oh well I guess they made a contribution towards using a city council funded organisation for political publicity purposes.

8:23 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't listen to these Tories. We love you Gordon. Janice xxx

2:34 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now that the city council is Conservative I'm sure that it will be looking closely at funding of all those organisations that are a hangover from a Labour run city.

11:08 am  

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