Lord Hurd to speak in Southampton

Douglas Hurd pictured in the aftermath of the Handsworth Riots, 9th - 11th September 1985. riots- he had been Home Secretary for one week before the riots began.
Picture copyright Pogus Caesar
Although not on the same wing of the party as me, I've always admired Douglas Hurd.
I think he was a good Home Secretary and (surprisingly given my scepticism over the EU) an excellent Foreign Secretary- one can't imagine Labour having made the foreign policy mistakes since 1997 had Hurd been at the helm. I was thrilled then that he has agreed to stop off and speak for me on the way to an 'Audience with Douglas Hurd' at the Nuffield theatre that evening.
He shall be speaking for me at the newly refurbished Blue Keys Hotel (formally The Golden Lion) in Northlands Rd at 4.30pm on the 16th October. There will be a buffet, tea, coffee as well as a cash bar. Tickets are £8.00 per person. Please email me at matthewjdean@hotmail.com if you would like a ticket or any further information.
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