Oops, he's done it again!

I feel a letter to The Echo coming on....
Dear Letters Editor,
I don't know if he has been in the job too long but Alan Whitehead MP is looking increasingly accident prone. Fresh from the so-called 'Burgergate' affair where he received free world cup tickets from corporate sponsor McDonalds and his hypercritical decision to vote again selection in state schools in Northern Ireland while keeping it in England, Mr Whitehead has now welcomed the much criticised 'Home Sellers' pack scheme (Echo report).
Despite more than 125 MPs, including former Labour ministers Frank Field and Kate Hoey signing a cross-party commons motion urging Gordon Brown to step in and stop the project, Mr Whitehead has given the project his personal thumbs up.
Loopholes mean the packs will say nothing about a house's possible subsidence or electrical safety for example, forcing many buyers to continue paying for their own surveys.
First time buyers in Southampton will be particularly seriously affected - they're the ones most likely to nervous about this huge financial commitment. The Packs will be just an additional burden on top of soaring council tax bills, inheritance tax and stamp duty that potential buyers have had to face from Labour.
Mr Whitehead is increasingly out of touch with public opinion in his constituency.
Yours sincerely,
Matthew Dean
Southampton Test Conservatives.
Whitehead hasn't got a clue, has he?
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