A witty riposte?

Copyright Time magazine, commentary Wikipedia.
Conservative History Society (see post below 25/6/06)
About 6 years ago, during a stormy debate on the issues that an increasing number of asylum seekers raised for Southampton City Council, Labour Councillor Cllr Jacqueline Rayment, (then I believe a portfolio holder), accused a member of the Conservative group, Cllr Alec Samuels of being a Nazi, saying, "Are you related to Hitler, Councillor Samuels?".
As Alec is one of the most tolerant, thoughtful, long-serving and hard-working of local government politicians, as well as being a respected lawyer and academic, one would have perhaps expected him to be upset or have acted with outrage to this baseless slander. However, when asked of his reaction to this entirely unwarranted slur on his character, he commented with typical dignity that he preferred to stick to the issues. He added outside the meeting, to the Daily Echo, "In my view personal abuse reflects on the abuser not the abused. I'm interested in the substance of the matter rather than any personal matter which came up and shouldn't have done."
In fairness, I should add that Cllr Rayment later withdrew the remark.
I read the following quote the other day which is perhaps a little more racy, if not quite such an understated response to the same charge...
"I have often been called a Nazi, and, although it is unfair, I don't let it bother me. I don't let it bother me for one simple reason. No one has ever had a sexual fantasy about being tied to a bed and ravished by a liberal." PJ O'Rourke, Give War a Chance.
As Alec is one of the most tolerant, thoughtful, long-serving and hard-working of local government politicians, as well as being a respected lawyer and academic, one would have perhaps expected him to be upset or have acted with outrage to this baseless slander. However, when asked of his reaction to this entirely unwarranted slur on his character, he commented with typical dignity that he preferred to stick to the issues. He added outside the meeting, to the Daily Echo, "In my view personal abuse reflects on the abuser not the abused. I'm interested in the substance of the matter rather than any personal matter which came up and shouldn't have done."
In fairness, I should add that Cllr Rayment later withdrew the remark.
I read the following quote the other day which is perhaps a little more racy, if not quite such an understated response to the same charge...
"I have often been called a Nazi, and, although it is unfair, I don't let it bother me. I don't let it bother me for one simple reason. No one has ever had a sexual fantasy about being tied to a bed and ravished by a liberal." PJ O'Rourke, Give War a Chance.
A witty blog Mr Dean
I look forward to sparring with you across the chamber should you ever get the opportunity to come and Play.
Nice comments about Dad, Made Victoria's day.....
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