Bromley by-election

thats better...another Lib-Dem whitewash...
Bromley by-election
The Lib-Dems fight dirty, we all know that. At by-elections, as Conservative activists in Romsey and Eastleigh know only too well, they fight really dirty but for sheer brass neckvisit
As it is SO astounding, I have reproduced the whole post below:
Tomorrow I get the chance to vote. This is only the second time I have been able to do this and I take the responsibilty very seriously. As many of my readers will know, Bromley has been a conservative borough for quite a while now but since the death of Eric Forth our old MP almost every party going has decided to try and grab this constituency.I have had leaflets pouring through my door from UKIP, Conservatives, LibDems, Green, English Democrats etc. (Nothing from labour by the way!) As well as all the loners who thought they'd have a go because they have a politics degree and even...the Monster Raving Loony Party! I heard tonight that there is a group going under the original name of The New Party!Well.. the one person who has really been annoying me in the run up to the polls has been the LibDem candidate. His name is Ben Abbotts and like the rest of them he is brilliant at telling us how awful the other candidates are and rubbish at giving me any good reason why I should actually vote for him.5 Things about Ben Abbotts campaign that put me off:1. There has just been so much of it...I only need one leaflet, once, not three per day...I don't care that it's recycled is still stupidly excessive!2. The Chat style magazine we received with articles about him on EVERY SINGLE PAGE!3. The printed post-it note they stuck to afore mentioned magazine saying "Don't you think he would be great for Bromley" to make it look like one of my neighbours had posted it through my door!4. The printed blue letter on little bits of A5 paper made to look like it had been hand written and starting with the phrase Dear Neighbour! - Oh and the envelope with our address written on it by some little old lady in a factory somewhere!!!5. The vile orange and yellow boards boasting that he's "Winning it for Bromley" and using the England flag to trick us into being all patriotic just because world cup fever is around!So anyway....enough of the list of reasons... I might actually have voted for him...I mean despite all of those points, he seems keen, he lives locally (Not in Yorkshire like one of the candidates) and he does seem to know what he is talking about...if it hadn't been for this:BEN ABBOTTS REVEALED:This is the picture of Ben Abbotts cleaning graffiti...It is on his website, it was on one of his many campaign leaflets:
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