Thursday, October 05, 2006

Blogging from Bournemouth5- freebies at the FSB!

Alan Duncan at the FSB reception

The Federation of Small Business reception is well known to conference hacks as one of the better receptions in terms of freebies and this year was no exception. The wine is always better and the canapes don't look like they were prepared three or four days before.
Alan Duncan shadow Secretary for Trade, Industry and Energy spoke well if briefly. He pushed all the right buttons among his audience although for small businesses one could argue it wasn't difficult to guess what they wanted to hear; less regulation, better training and education, stable and low interest rates and so on. Given his portfolio responsibilities, I was surprised he did not mention utility bills as rising energy costs has been a real concern this year.
Theresa Villers, Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury spoke for longer and was a little more high brow. She came across as very thoughtful and serious and even spoke about tax causing Duncan to rock back and forth on his heels alarmingly! I have no doubt that should Cameron form the next government, she will be in the cabinet.


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