Saturday, September 19, 2009

Fighting Fly Tipping!

Convicted criminals clean up flytipping mess in Millbrook in Southampton
as part of the 'community payback' scheme.

On Thursday, Southampton City Council unveiled the latest weapon in the fight against fly tippersSmart Water.
Smart Water is a colourless liquid which contains a unique chemical code which is registered to a particular user. It is applied to items and materials and is most commonly used as a way to protect people’s belongings from theft. Smart Water greatly increases the chances of recovering items if they are stolen as well as delivering a 100 per cent conviction rate when used as evidence in court. The technology has been adopted by a number of organisations across the UK to tackle crime such as burglary and shoplifting, and now Southampton City Council is the first local authority in the country to harness the technology to catch fly tippers.
In joint operations with the city council and the police, suspected fly tippers have been stopped and the contents of their vehicles searched and sprayed. Should these items end up being unlawfully dumped they are easily identifiable and the culprits can be traced. Used overtly in this way, Smart Water can be an effective tool in getting the message across about the likelihood of being caught if items on a property or vehicle are later found to be illegally dumped. It is particularly useful when dealing with the problem of rubbish and bulky items left in gardens, which too often end up being dumped on the street, in alleyways or on open land.
Council officers have also been out in the community talking to residents and explaining how Smart Water works and how items that are marked with the liquid can be traced back to where they came from. Waste must be disposed of legally and safely then those responsible could face prosecution.
Smart Water can also be used covertly to gain evidence and convict persistent fly tippers. Materials can be discreetly sprayed and the information recorded. Should these items end up being fly tipped they can be traced back to where they came from.
Personally, I'm pleased Southampton is leading the way with the use of innovative means of snaring illegal fly tippers. People who dump their waste illegally are not only blighting the environment and putting residents at risk, but they also face the risk of prosecution and a heavy fine. And now we have an even better chance of identifying the culprits. It is not fair that the law abiding majority should have to pay to clear up after a selfish minority. The city council provides many free and legal ways for disposing of waste. Mindlessly dumping rubbish on the side of the road or in our green spaces is lazy and selfish and costs the council a small fortune to clear up.


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