
Prime Minister Blair yesterday pledged that getting the 350 disappointed British pupils- including children from the South Coast- back out to Germany to watch another game was "something we need to work on" following an alleged ticket scam.
Following on from the scandal of Burgergate where members of the parliamentary football club such as Southampton Labour MP Alan Whithead were given free tickets by corporate sponsor McDonalds, he should ask them to donate their tickets for the remaining games and suggest they get back to parliament and do some work...
Letter as sent to The Daily echo, Southampton below;
Dear Letters Editor
Echo readers may not have been entirly surprised that Prime Minister Blair got on the football bandwagon by pledging that getting the 350 disappointed British pupils- including children from the South Coast- back out to Germany to watch another game was "something we need to work on" following an alleged ticket scam. (Echo Report 30 June) and then subsequently the relevant government department downplaying hopes it could help.
Following on from 'Burger-gate' where members of the parliamentary football club such as Southampton Labour MP Alan Whithead were given free tickets by corporate sponsor McDonalds, Blair should ask them to donate their tickets for the remaining games and suggest they get back to parliament and do some work...
I would be interested to know what the Labour Party makes locally of what has been nicknamed Alan Whitehead's 'McFreebie'
Your sincerely,
Matthew Dean
Officer without Portfolio
Southampton Test Conservatives
Did Mr Whitehead supersize his freebie? I understand the 'World Cup' big mac is 20% bigger than normal!
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