Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Built to Last...

Well done Dave, sold out!

The first of the Conservative Partys really big events in Hants post the last general election has been announced and it is to be held as Hampshire's new cricket ground, just outside the town of Eastleigh. (For info on the venue click on )

Entitled, "Built to Last", the document is a new statement of Conservative Principles that will apparently guide the party in its policy making and campaigning is to be discussed nation wide and led locally by Havant MP David Willets.
Interestingly non-members and indeed even non-supporters will be able to attend if the Conservatives national web-site is anything to go by
-One hopes thats its results will be a little more successful that Blair's dire 'Big Conversation' or William Hague's largely ignored 'Listening to Britain' consultations...


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