Two ladies study copies of 'Lady Chatterley's lover' following the 1960 obscenity trialpic courtesy Getty Images
On Friday, I wrote to one of my political opponents, Councillor Matt Stevens. Here is the text of my letter;
Dear Councillor Stevens,
Politics is a rough sport and probably best not undertaken by those of a sensitive disposition.
That said, the post on your blog likening the Conservative Council’s policies in some areas to those of the Brown shirts is profoundly offensive.
The Brown shirts or Sturmabteilung (often shortened to SA) were responsible for some horrific atrocities against the Jews and opponents of the Nazi Party in the 1930s and members of that organisation committed a number of documented acts of genocide during the Second World War.
To draw a link between that organisation and the administration of the council just because you happen to be politically opposed to some of the policies the council is pursuing is deeply irresponsible.
I write as someone whose family made considerable sacrifices fighting the organisation you claim the current administration are allied to.
I hope you will consider removing the offending article.
Yours sincerely,
Matthew Dean.
For those that are even inclined, Cllr Steven's post can be read
HERE.I shall leave it to readers to make up their own minds if they think it is an appropriate piece of commentary or not. Please be moderate in your use of language if you wish to make a post on the subject on this blog.