Monday, September 11, 2006

Lord Tim Renton, Lady Thatcher's last Chief Whip.

Over the years I've been lucky enough to help organise some great dinners and receptions.
- In no particular order, the distinguished historian Andrew Roberts, the Governor of the Falkland Islands at the time of invasion Sir Rex Hunt, the publisher and political commentator Iain Dale, the cabinet minister Jonathan Aitken and the former London Conservative Mayoral candidate Steve Norris have all been recent guests.
- I would like to express my grateful thanks to them all of them once again for coming to Southampton, it really was very good of them all to give their time freely and speak so informatively and entertainingly.
The next dinner I am organising is to be held at the Rose Bowl in Hampshire in the evening on Wednesday 25th October with guest speaker Lord Tim Renton, author, former Chief Whip and Minister for the Arts.
Should be a great night!
If anyone wants a ticket or any more details, please email me at
I wonder if Lord Renton will bring the dog?


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